Mine Operations Plan
The White Rock Quarry is currently regulated under a Mine Operations Plan (MOP) which is authorised by the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM). On Thursday 5th September 2024, DEM approved the MOP review for Heidelberg Materials White Rock Quarry.
The scope of the MOP review was to update the planning for the site and associated management strategies to ensure that the quarry can continue to operate in a manner that support industry best practice.
A copy of the approved MOP can be downloaded below.
White Rock Quarry MOP Review V2 (1.5MB)
Heidelberg Materials remain committed to working with the local community and stakeholders through the future operations of the site to ensure that the environmental, social and operational aspects of the site are undertaken in a sustainable manner, supporting the supply of construction materials for Adelaide.
In 2020, Heidelberg Materials undertook an initial consultation process for its original White Rock Quarry Mine Operation Plan (MOP) Review submission to the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM). On 17 November 2023, DEM requested further alterations to the MOP previously submitted on 31 March 2023. In response to the matters raised, Heidelberg Materials resubmitted an updated MOP review on 18 April 2024 of which DEM undertook a comprehensive assessment in collaboration with technical experts from other SA Government agencies.
Heidelberg Materials value engaging with local residents to better understand the community views in relation to the future development of the site.
The key outcomes of this consultation process have been the modification to our initial stage development proposal, changing visual amenity impacts and further heritage, fauna and flora, air quality and groundwater further studies.
Heidelberg Materials have been committed to listening to neighbours’ concerns and engaging diverse stakeholders, including Traditional Owners, regulatory bodies, community, interest groups, Council, MPs, and others.
A summary of the consultation process has been included within the MOP review and are provided below.
Community Consultation Summary Report
Community Consultation Summary 2021 - 2023
Heidelberg Materials have engaged and will continue to work with traditional owners the Kaurna people. We acknowledge the support and information provided by the Traditional Owners through consultation and field work undertaken during the development of the MOP Review.
Future proposed development of the White Rock Quarry, as outlined in our MOP Review, will not encroach further on or otherwise affect the area identified in the State Heritage places database as ‘Natural Feature – Wellington Rock (or Pizey’s Knob) adjacent to Old Norton Summit Road.
Visual amenity
As an outcome of the engagement process, Heidelberg Materials have excluded stages 4 and 5 from the initial proposal and redefined the proposed quarry development and rehabilitation plans, retaining the westward facing hill to provide a visual barrier to the quarry for residents of Skye.
Progressive rehabilitation
Following community and stakeholder engagement, and a further review of the Quarry Development and Rehabilitation Plans, we have committed to rehabilitation planting earlier in the quarry’s development in order to minimise surface disturbance throughout the proposed stages. We will ensure species lists are well understood and used in rehabilitation through consultation with the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) and interest groups.
Surface water
Heidelberg Materials remain committed to continuous improvement in water quality management. This includes appropriate management of the surface water sources relevant to the site.
Water quality management measures implemented within the site has incorporated the construction of an integrated stormwater management system with the incorporation of sediment basins designed in accordance with the International Erosions Control Association (IECA) Guidelines.
The pit floors have been designed in accordance with the recommendations of a buffer distance of four (4) m above the groundwater contour map and five (5) m above in areas of increased uncertainty due to site topography. An ongoing groundwater monitoring program will allow data validation to reduce any uncertainties in the recommended buffer.
Dust & noise
We have undertaken detailed air quality modeling assessment for the site including Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) modelling as part of the MOP Review process. Assessment of this modelling predicts that the air quality for the site will be within the EPA air quality criteria and the RCS concentrations for current and future operations will be below the national best practice criteria.
A copy of the Air Quality modeling and RCS Assessment is available below.
Native vegetation
The quarry site sits adjacent Horsnell Gully Conservation Park and Giles Conservation Park.
A Bushland Native Vegetation Assessment informed the location and condition (quality) of native vegetation within the proposed development area. Based upon the outcomes, the condition of native vegetation within the Site varies from poor within the previously disturbed areas to moderate to good within undisturbed areas of the Site. Better quality vegetation is recorded in areas adjacent to the conservation parks.
A copy of the Native Vegetation Assessment is available below.
Proposed staged rehabilitation is presented within the Mining Operations Plan Review document. Visual modelling has informed the rehabilitation strategy and importance is given to reaching a terminal boundary as early as possible to enable the staged rehabilitation of the site.
An overview of the progressive rehabilitation for the site is provided within the below drawings.
Quarry Development & Rehabilitation Plan Stage 1
Quarry Development & Rehabilitation Plan Stage 2
Quarry Development & Rehabilitation Plan Stage 3-
Quarry Development & Rehabilitation Plan Stage 3A(1)
Quarry Development & Rehabilitation Plan Stage 3A
Modelling indicates that production levels are forecast to remain consistent with current levels. Therefore, we anticipate traffic volumes on the local road network providing entry and exit to the quarry will remain relatively static.
Operating hours
The Site is currently authorised to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Technical assessments were completed to refine the operational hours to:
Operations | Days | Hours |
Drilling and blasting | Monday to Saturday | Between 6am – 6pm |
Crushing and screening | Monday to Saturday | Between 6am – 6pm |
Load and haul | Monday to Saturday | Between 6am – 6pm |
Maintenance activities | Monday to Sunday | 24 hours as required |
Quarry sales | Monday to Sunday | 24 hours as required |
Concrete plant | Monday to Sunday | 24 hours as required |
Concrete sales | Monday to Sunday | 24 hours as required |
The Site is attended by a third-party explosive provider on the day of blasting. No explosives are stored on the Site. All blasts are monitored for Vibration and Air
Overpressure and require compliance with Australian Standards AS2187.2 – 2006 Explosives – Storage and use.
The site maintains a register of neighbours who wish to be informed on blasting days.